
For best results please follow our guidelines:


We accept the following file formats: TIF, TIFF, JPG, EPS, AI, PSD and PDF


Please provide all pictures/photos with a minimum 350 dpi (dot per inch) resolution.  Images created for the web are low screen resolution and don't have the data required for a good, sharp printed image.  Printed images require 350 dpi or there will be a substantial decrease in image quality 


Color mode:

Please provide art and images in CMYK (cyan, yellow, magenta, black) color mode. Please provide black and white artwork and images in grayscale color mode.


Bleed is a printing term that applies when an image goes beyond the edge of a sheet of paper. To achieve a bleed properly, the design should include the image that would appear beyond the edge of the cut line to allow for a shifting image during the cutting process.

For example, business cards require a .125 bleed on all 4 edges. So a 2”x3 ½” finished size business card requires art that is 2.125” x 3.625”

If you are providing your own artwork, please build your files by adding the appropriate bleed to your file.

Add .125” bleed to the following products; or .0625” bleed on all 4 edges for the following products:

  • Business Cards
  • Brochures
  • Door Hangers
  • Envelopes
  • Flyers
  • Letterhead
  • Mini Menus
  • Notepads
  • Postersggg

Add .1” bleed to the following products; or .05” bleed on all 4 edges for the following products:


Rack Cards


Tent Cards

Crop Marks mode:

If you are providing your own artwork, please add crop marks indicating where the paper should be cut.

Fonts mode:

Please outline or convert fonts to paths or curves in EPS files.

Please embed fonts in PDF files.

Safe Zone:

All critical elements (text, images, logos, etc.) must be kept at least .125” inside the edge so that they aren’t cut during production.

Border mode:

Please allow 3/16” cutting space around your card. Borders aren’t recommended as shifting during the cutting process may make borders appear uneven.


Final Print Size – 350dpi
Size with Bleed – 350dpi
Business Cards Inch: 2″x3.5″
Pixels: 700×1225
Inch: 2.125″x3.625″
Postcards Inch: 4″x6″
Pixels: 1400×2100
Inch: 4.1″x6.1″
Postcards Inch: 4.25″x5.5″
Inch: 4.35″x5.6″
Postcards Inch: 5″x7″
Inch: 5.1″x7.1″
Postcards Inch: 5.5″x8.5″
Inch: 5.6″x8.6″
Rackcards Inch: 4″x9″
Inch: 4.1″x9.1″

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